Some Dads are just cooler than others. I picked Ted to be a Dad to my kids because he's one of those guys. He cooks pancakes for them on his days off. He takes them fishing. Even the girl. He plays catch in the yard, and encourages his boy to eat worms. Okay so that last one was kinda gross. He didn't really think Jacob would do it. He burps the baby. He even changes her diapers. He gets up in the middle of the night to soothe her back to sleep if I can't do it. He works his butt off at work, and plays his butt off on his days off. What is most wonderful about Ted is that he is a good example to his boys. He treats me with respect, and demands that they do the same. He holds them accountable, expects integrity from them. That's a real Dad. A Dad who teaches his sons to be men. And for his girls, he is their rock. They can always count on Daddy when they are afraid or when they need to feel like they matter too. This didn't just happen by accident. I chose Ted because I saw in him both a gentleness and a sense of responsibility and loyalty. I must say, I chose wisely! He's great! Happy Father's Day!
And while we are at it, here are a couple of pictures of the baby. She's almost two months old now. She's smiling on a regualr basis, but I have yet to capture it on film. NO, her eyes have not settled on a color yet, although they look pretty brown here. I can't wait to see what they will finally settle on!