Friday, August 27, 2010

Somebody Likes To Play Dress Up

And her name is Angelice. We took a detour from the usual this summer, and went to visit my brother Andy and his beautiful family in Las Vegas. Angelice, her cousin Emma, and Holly all dressed up like the princesses they really are.

And, okay, so Ben played too. He, being the boy in the game, played the handsome prince. Check out his wicked awesome sword.

While staying there, we had some yummy shakes, played with the kids at the park, and visited Hoover Dam. The Dam pictures were awesome. The Dam drive was worth it. The new Dam bridge is huge. The kids had a Dam good time. Ha! Those pictures coming right up.

Just A Few Pictures of Our Trip to CA

Summertime around our house means it's time to visit Ted's family in Sacramento. We usually go camping. We always swim in Grandpa's pool. We always stuff our faces. I tried to add more, but I think I will have to make another post.
The cool thing about going to California is watching the kids get to spend time wearing themselves totally out. They have formed great friendships with their cousins, and genuinely enjoy being outdoors in the Plumas Forest. We camped at Lake Almanore this year again. It was less than pleasant at night with a baby in a tent...she sort woke up the whole campground. I don't think we will be attempting camping with her again for a couple years...but the older kids had a blast in the Lake, playing in the dirt, running around with dirty faces from eating s'mores.
Next post will just be more pictures.