Monday, June 29, 2009


Okay. So Angelice is a total Jonas Brothers fan. It reminds me a little bit of back in the day, but I digress. You all who know me know what I am talking about. So, Ted gets home from work, complaining about the traffic by the Idaho Center. Of course, I complain back, about a bunch of friends in Chicago who all got together to got to a New Kids concert. I am bummed. He is stressed. He says, hey, I betcha there's tickets left, why don't you go see if you can get in? I pshaw him right away. The baby can't go that long without nursing. We don't have that kind of money. I don't think Angelice would be okay, it's pretty loud there. I don't want to go alone. A million excuses. There's no way there are still tickets left. Ted insists, Angel pleads. FINE. If I can't be in Chicago with the New Kids, I will take my daughter to see the Jonas Brothers instead! If nothing else, we can do a little old fashioned bus stalking. So we get ready, and head out there. The ticket offices are closed. I walk to the gate anyway, and ask the security guy if there is any way we can buy some tickets. He says no. There's only 45 minutes of the show left anyway. Angelice starts to sniffle. I pick her up, and she lays on my shoulder. A guy walks by, "Hey, I have one ticket, do you need one?" I just sort of look at him. The security guy says, "Someone handed me one that couldn't be used on the way in, too. You want it?" DUH!!! Crying 7 year old JoBro fan here!!!! So we grab them, FOR FREE!!!! And head on in to the show. It was a mob scene. It was so cool! I fumbled with my camera trying to find the right setting, it seems darkness with flashes of light while trying to focus on an object far away with waving arms in front of you is not a setting on my camera, LOL! So the pics are not great, but it's the best I could do. We had SO MUCH FUN! And Angelice is a better bus stalker than I was, yet, she still has much to learn. I so hope I can teach her soon since New Kids all but announced another tour after a hiatus later this year. If Boise is on the list, we are sooooooo THERE!
Sorry for the wonky formatting. I tried to fix it. I wish there was a better way to download pictures on this site.

This was a really cool picture on my viewfinder, but not so much when posted. Jonas is kind of like boy band meets rock band. These boys do NOT suck. Nick's drum solo was smokin'.

There was a lot of interaction between the boys and the rest of the band. I was impressed by their musical talent.

One of the floating stages.

That's Nick on the drums. He plays both guitar and drums, and oh my, he is very good. They all are.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Some Dads are just cooler than others. I picked Ted to be a Dad to my kids because he's one of those guys. He cooks pancakes for them on his days off. He takes them fishing. Even the girl. He plays catch in the yard, and encourages his boy to eat worms. Okay so that last one was kinda gross. He didn't really think Jacob would do it. He burps the baby. He even changes her diapers. He gets up in the middle of the night to soothe her back to sleep if I can't do it. He works his butt off at work, and plays his butt off on his days off. What is most wonderful about Ted is that he is a good example to his boys. He treats me with respect, and demands that they do the same. He holds them accountable, expects integrity from them. That's a real Dad. A Dad who teaches his sons to be men. And for his girls, he is their rock. They can always count on Daddy when they are afraid or when they need to feel like they matter too. This didn't just happen by accident. I chose Ted because I saw in him both a gentleness and a sense of responsibility and loyalty. I must say, I chose wisely! He's great! Happy Father's Day!
And while we are at it, here are a couple of pictures of the baby. She's almost two months old now. She's smiling on a regualr basis, but I have yet to capture it on film. NO, her eyes have not settled on a color yet, although they look pretty brown here. I can't wait to see what they will finally settle on!
Aren't those little bows so cute? In this picture, she was fussing a bit, but still so adorable!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yo, Roses!

Roses. In our front yard. That we planted. They are going absolutely crazy. Thought I would post them. Because I am so proud. The rest of the yard looks like...well it looks like someone with 4 kids and works almost 50 hours a week lives here. But the roses are nice! How does your yard look?