Monday, May 10, 2010

Holly's One!

I can't believe my baby is one! Our little Holly has brought us so much joy. You know, I have had a very spiritual experience with each of my children during pregnancy, and I didn't with Holly. I had wondered about that very topic, and Heavenly Father gave me a very special witness. You see, we lost three babies before we had her. Every time the doctor turned on that ultrasound machine, and there was no heartbeat, I felt more and more hopeless. I have never prayed more fervently for anything in my whole life. I began to think that the Lord was not listening, or didn't think I was a good enough mother for just one more baby.

Finally, one day, I knelt in my closet, and out of sheer desperation, poured my heart out to the Lord, and ended by saying "Here am I! Thy will be done!"

And we found out three weeks later we were going to have a baby.

When she was born, I was given a witness that this child was an answer to my prayers. Not that she had some divine mission, or was given to me to test me, or make me a better person, or go on to perform some miracle of faith. No, I was given witness that she was there as a gift to show me Heavenly Father's tender mercy. She was here simply because we wanted her.

Oh how we wanted her.

Happy birthday precious baby Holly! Thank you for giving us so much joy!