Thursday, June 3, 2010

Before! (above)
After! (above)

And a close up of each side! She was so brave! She wanted to cry so bad, but she didn't!

Coach Pitch Suits Angelice

She did pretty well! Like her little brother, she had a little dance party in the outfield though. Which was actually pretty cute. I was with Ben on the nearby playground, watching from afar. She got two hits in all. Lots of fun!

Kickball Rocks!

These pictures sort of say it all. These kids don't know how to run bases, tag runners, or play outfield. But they sure have a lot of fun! Ben actually laid down in the grass and looked at the clouds at one point. And he was having a dance party while playing shortstop. Ah, what I wouldn't give to be able to play with such carefree abandon again!

Holly Gets Her Swing On

I think these pictures just speak for themselves. *Sigh*.