Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Girls' Room

Ok, before I get into what is going on, I had to post the picture of us three girls' (Me, Angelice, and Holly) feet. I just painted all our toenails, and this was just too cute to not pass on! I am blue (of course) Angelice is purple, and Holly is the lightest of light pinks! So fun! The real reason for this post: Angel and Holly's new bedding, and inspiration for their room decor.
Holly's bedding inspired the color choice; all that is left to do is paint and drapes! OH, and a new lampshade, but I can probably just make one... Input, please!!!!!


  1. I LLOOVVEE the colors! Great choice girls (and mom)!! If you haven't decided what to do about paint, I have two suggestions: Choose a neutral color, like a tan or beige- that way you can have something besides white, but when the kids inevitably want to change themes, you don't have to repaint. OR, if the girls have decided on something like pepto bismol pink (like Dani did years ago), just paint one wall- and maybe only halfway up. That way they get the color they want, but it's not too overwhelming or too hard to change later.

    Okay, I'll stop babbling for now. I love the color choice and the clever layout. I'll be waiting to see pics of the finished project!

  2. Sorry, I'm not really Nancy- I was signed on under my mom's account. Have fun with the room!

